Will you join me?

Confession: There have been moments in this book-writing process when I have believed the lie that it’s all on me to deliver the message that God tucked into my heart.

The truth? I’ve never been alone and have been reminded again and again throughout this journey that the very best gifts in life are birthed in the context of community with a little help from my teammates and friends. My favorite part of sharing the message of From Lost to Found has been hearing the ways in which you see God writing redemption into the parts of your stories you wouldn’t have chosen for yourself—how you’ve been broken open to God’s transformative grace.

I am so excited that it is time to gather a launch team for From Lost to Found and it would bring me so much joy to have you join us!

This is what I want you to know: No matter where you find yourself on the trajectory of being lost to getting found, you are needed and wanted here!

I’m not looking for the woman with the biggest platform or social media following.

I’m looking for the woman who has felt forgotten by this world only to find out what it means to be remembered by God.

I’m looking for the girl who has been left empty-handed and is now ready to grab hold of an enduring Hope.

I’m looking for the woman who is eager to discover how loneliness can pave the road to intimacy, why weakness is an avenue of God’s strength, and how grief can make a way for hope.

I want to gather with you, hear your stories, and discover together that there is a blessing in any story that enflames our longing for Christ.

Let’s be a group that is committed to finding the treasure in the wake of what’s been broken or lost. And let’s celebrate the gift of being loved by a God who pries our fingers off what we think we want so that we can receive what we truly need.

Are you in? Apply today to join, we have a limited number of spots!

All launch team members have the opportunity to read the book early and will receive an exclusive art print, a $5 Starbucks gift card so you can enjoy a coffee on me while you read, and other perks we can’t wait to tell you about. We will also have the opportunity to meet together and share with one another in an exclusive Facebook group.

Your story, voice, and insights matter so much and I can’t wait to get to know you as we launch this message into the world!

Apply to join below. We’ll be notifying everyone the week of November 25 with more details.

Apply to Join the Launch Team

Nicole Zasowski